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Sunday, December 21, 2008

35 Weeks

I am now growing hair on my head, not much but it is something! I now weigh close to three kilos ( 2.9 to be exact). All my organs are fully formed, except for my lungs which are still developing , and making more of the special (pleural) fluid. This special fluid will stop my lungs from collapsing when I am born and start to breathe air. Check out my latest scan, I know that it is not in color but I have now turned more of a pink color ( don't laugh!). Since there is now white fat build up under my skin, I have gone from being red to light pink! This fat is important as it will give me energy and will control my body temperature when I am born.

Just in case you were curious about my finger nail development, they have now reached the tips of my fingers. However, at this stage of my development my toe nails are lagging behind. I am not too concerned I know they will catch up. I am still in the head down position ready and waiting at the starting line of the birth canal....yes I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Another five weeks and I start my birth journey . My Mummy has even had practice contractions called Braxton Hicks, but I am not ready yet. She is going to help me arrive into the world, I am glad she is getting the practise!

My Mummy & Daddy are ready for my arrival they have set up my bassinet, changing table, bath, and car seat and have tried to work out all the gadgets so they know what to do when I arrive. Sounds like they are having fun!

Chat again soon.

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