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Friday, May 29, 2009

4 months & 4 weeks

Go green!...pilates practice my cushion 9am

Bikini babe!...I love swimming

Every week I get a chance to swim with my daddy!

With my friend Ella at playgroup

With my friend Kyler at play-group

Hello everybody!

I am a busy bee this month, some of my highlights include learning how roll onto my tummy, squeals and squeaks of delight, and hanging out with my pals at play-group.
My swimming is improving - see my new bikini!I ma feeling more confident in the water and love kicking my legs, coordinating my arms is a challenge! Hope you enjoy the the photos.

We are getting ready to go on the big plane again. This time we are going to America to see my Grandma, Aunts & Uncles, and cousins for the first time....yipeeee! It will be a very special time for me as I am also going to see my big sister Maria - I am so excited to meet her, I have heard all about her and seen photos but can't wait for snuggles with her.

Hugs and kisses

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